| THREATS (Click for more info.) |
1 | Create a "No Mining in Cockpit Country" bumper sticker |
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Implemented |
2 | Organise community demonstrations |
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One demo implemented |
3 | Meet with Ministry of Mining and other GoJ Entities |
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4 | Meet with Minister of Mining |
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5 | Catadupa communities form a “Cockpit Communities for Conservation” and meet regularly to maintain cohesion, share information, develop community-based strategies, etc. |
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Implemented but will need ongoing funding for logistics |
6 | Create a calendar, including declaration of a “Cockpit Country Day” |
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7 | Create road signage and billboards in strategic locations, with a unifying theme. For example" "Cambridge Welcomes You to Cockpit Country" |
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8 | Find a DJ who would be willing to create a “music platform” to: (a) excite young members in the communities; and (b) create a jingle that “sticks” in the minds of listeners. |
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9 | Prepare books (eg., exercise books, colouring books) to distribute to schools |
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10 | Survey communities to develop an Inventory of Community Assets |
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Partially implemented: see JNHTCOCKPIT COUNTRY FINAL REPORT 2009 (18 MB) |
11 | Visit churches to share information |
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12 | Visit schools to share information |
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13 | Develop experimental field trials, with participation by local landowners and farmers |
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14 | Organise a site visit to areas currently being mined (esp. to sensitize community members who are uncertain about the social and environmental costs of mining. |
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Partially implemented: one site visit |
15 | Establish a contact list for international and national media allies |
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16 | Invite print, radio, and television media houses to public events and demonstrations |
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Partially implemented |
17 | Prepare materials for media: press releases, drone videos, GIS maps, etc. |
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18 | Hire a drone for high quality / high impact images of the landscape |
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Implemented |
19 | Sensitise Min Transport and NWA to the issue of Connectivity: that their improvement of human connectivity can have negative consequences for biological connectivity. |
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Implemented: presentation on 18/11/15 |
20 | Work with NWA etc to find solutions in the event of new roads or realignment of the existing roads in areas of existing Giant Swallowtail populations, particularly Jointwood area |
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21 | Create Catadupa GIS, incl. land tenure, landuse, watershed, and species occurrence data |
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22 | Identify and prioritize the most ecologically important areas / corridors in the Catadupa landscape |
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23 | Implement tree planting in priority degraded areas and corridors using appropriate native vegetation |
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24 | Implement tree planting using appropriate native vegetation to create a minimum buffer zone of 100m around cave openings |
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25 | Convene a workshop to present CAP results to GoJ stakeholders, including NEPA, Forestry Department, Water Resources Authority, and Mines and Geology Division - to sensitize agencies to aspects of Catadupa terrestrial, freshwater and subterrean (aquifer) features |
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Implemented (15 Sept 2015) |
26 | Review PDOs for St. James, Trelawny, and St. Elizabeth to identify planning gaps with regards to the Catadupa KBA --using the Coral Spring-Mountain Spring Protected Area Zoning Plan as template, which was developed from principles of ecosystem services and functions. |
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27 | Liaise with the Protected Areas Branch of NEPA, to submit new findings from directed research with relevance to ecosystem services or ecological connectivity |
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28 | Membership and attend meetings of Jamaica Institute of Environmental Professionals |
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29 | Raise awareness about the fines for possessing birds and other protected wildlife. Currently, committing an offense against the Wild Life Protection Act can result in a maximum fine of $100,000 AND / OR sentencing of one year in prison |
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30 | Sensitize researchers and the public to important conservation legislation, incl. Wild Life Protection Act and its Schedules of protected animals, the Endangered Species Act, and the Forestry Act |
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31 | Sensitize researchers and the public to regulations and policies to protect plants (e.g. orchids) from illegal collecting |
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32 | Develop an education campaign to encourage people not to keep wildlife in captivity: "Respect Me, I'm Wild - That's How I Should Be Allowed to Live" |
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33 | Encourage community members to become voluntary Game Wardens for NEPA |
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34 | Ensure information about permit requirements, the application process and research application forms are easily found on NEPA's website |
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35 | NEPA officers and port inspectors determine whether current procedures are able to detect smuggled wildlife when persons exit Jamaica via air or marine transport. |
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36 | Review with NEPA the conditions under which research permits are required, particularly for species which are not protected by the Wild Life Protection Act or not occuring in a National Park or Forest Reserve |
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37 | Sensitize key communities to the need to monitor "strangers" appearing to do "research" |
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38 | Develop an education / awareness campaign for the endemic Jamaican Crow (Corvus jamaicensis), a species for which strong antipathy exists. |
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39 | Evaluate reports of crop (esp. banana) depredations to determine whether effective, non-lethal deterrence measures are needed. |
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40 | Prepare and print Catadupa KBA newsletter. |
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Implemented |
41 | Prepare and print Catadupa Policy Brief for relevant GoJ ministries and agencies |
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42 | Implement tree planting in priority degraded areas and corridors using appropriate native vegetation, esp. the larval food plant Hernandia jamaicensis |
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43 | In collaboration with relevant agencies and stakeholders, develop IRA for species which are imported for zoos, aquaculture, and commercial pet trade |
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44 | Design, secure funding and conduct field research to document the IAS pathogens and parasites which IAS cane toads (and their associated IAS ticks) and IAS Eleuth frogs harbour and evaluate their potential to spread blood-borne diseases to endemic frog and reptile species or to humans. |
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45 | Monitor the health of Catadupa frog populations every 5 years to monitor for possible negative changes in current chytrid status |
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46 | Assess the potential for acoustic playback for rapid monitoring assessments of Jamaican frogs, with priority on Eleuetherodactylus jamaicensis, which was not detected in 2013/2014 surveys |
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47 | Encourage community members report to Forestry Department any illegal timbering activities in Forest Reserves |
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48 | Train Forestry Department officers in frog identification (building on materials available on Dr. Blair Hedges' http://www.caribherp.com website) |
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49 | Prepare, print and distribute materials (e.g., Keynotes, newsletter, FrogLogger article etc). |
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50 | Education campaign: make sure everyone is informed that all native resident and migratory birds are protected under the Wild Life Protection Act and its Schedules of protected animals and the Endangered Species Act |
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51 | Sensitize researchers and the public to important conservation legislation, incl. Wild Life Protection Act and its Schedules of protected animals, the Endangered Species Act, and the Forestry Act |
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52 | Design, secure funding and establish a project to evaluate Plain Pigeon seasonal and annual movments using satellite tracking tags |
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53 | Jamaica Environment Trust (JET) will convene an expert panel of lawyers to ensure our constitutional rights and freedoms are upheld |
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Implemented |
54 | JET presents at community meetings |
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55 | Print & distribute JET's publication "Promoting Best Practices in Environmental Management of the Mining & Quarrying Sector in Jamaica" |
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56 | Create and maintain webpages for Catadapa on WRC's website |
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Implemented |
57 | Maintain links with Facebook |
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58 | Get Councillors and MPs to invite the Ministers with responsbility for mining (Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy, and Mining) and environment (Ministry of Water, Land, Environment and Climate Change) to community meetings |
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59 | Invite Councillors and MPs to meetings |
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60 | Attend IASWG meetings regularly |
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Ongoing |
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61 | Secure funding for DNA molecular analyses of Giant Swallowtail populations |
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62 | Secure funding to implement a radio-telemetry project to study the movements, home ranges, etc. of adult Giant Swallowtails |
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63 | Secure pemits from NEPA to conduct DNA molecular analyses of Giant Swallowtail populations |
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Permit obtained (Dr Garraway) |
64 | Review Catadupa GIS landuse classifications for occurrences of IAS plant species |
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65 | Review CHM Invasives and other international databases, literature etc. to identify real or potential impacts in Catadupa |
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66 | On-site dialogues with land owners where caves are located |
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67 | Presentation during community meetings |
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