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In 2014, WRC's Dr. Susan Koenig convened an international seminar:

Improving Risk Assessments to Protect Endemic Jamaican Wildlife
The Unintended Consequences of Transporting Animals:   Disease, Genetics and Behaviour.
1. Update stakeholders on recent advances in diagnostics of infectious diseases in psittacines and reptiles.
2. Develop guidelines for the translocation of wildlife (which is undertaken to reduce human-wildlife conflict) and for the placement of confiscated wildlife, including creating decision trees for captivity, return-to-wild, or other options.
3. Update educational materials to continue sensitizing the public to issues associated with translocating wildlife, including those that may be perceived as a “nuisance.”

We have uploaded Susan's presentations. If you would like information on the other speakers' presentations (Drs. Darrel K. Styles (birds), James F. Wellehan (reptiles), and Nancy Lung (Jamaican Iguana); see Agenda), please email us.


Funding for the seminar
was provided by:
With special thanks to:

Workshop Agenda
Case Study:  Thick-billed Parrot Reintroduction
Case Study:   Jamaican Boa Genetics
IUCN Guidelines for Confiscated Wildlife
Public Seminar:   Caribbean Psittacines

Contact Information:
Susan Koenig
Windsor Research Centre
Sherwood Content P.O.
Trelawny, Jamaica