Examples of Conservation Targets at other SCP sites



B&JC Mountains, Jamaica

Montane forest over shale

Montane forest over limestone

Headwater streams

Montane forest birds

Epiphytic communities


Moses Coulee, E. Washington State

Shrub-steppe matrix

Riparan vegetation complex

Seeps and springs

Cliffs and talus habitats

Breeding colony of spotted bats

Sage grouse

Pygmy rabbit

El Triunfo, Mexico

Cloud forest

Moist tropical forest

Matudea trinerva

Endemic cycads and ferns.

Ajos-Bavispe, Mexico

Natural vegetation mosaic of pine, juniper and oak communities

Black bear

Riparian system

R’a Lagartos, Mexico

Coastal wetlands

Endemic dune vegetation

Petenes (tropical hummocks)

Flamingo nesting sites

Cachalœ, Colombia

Quercus humboldtii forest

Riparian forest and its fluvial processes

Valle Nuevo, Dominican Republic

Pine Forest Systems

Cloud Forest

Paj—n Savanna

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