Change in total area of forest type | Remotely sensed imagery: manual overlays or GIS |
Change in land-use patterns | Remotely sensed imagery: manual overlays or GIS | |
Change in vegetation structure (e.g., % crown cover, % herbaceous, woody tree, etc. species) | Standard canopy cover methods; photographic point surveys | |
Change in presence, location, area, numbers of invasive plant species | Transects, quadrats, remotely sensed imagery | |
Change in species composition or abundances (incl. non-native species) | Transects, trapping surveys |
Changes in microclimate | Sensor probes maintained with data loggers | |
Changes in physical structure or other degradation (e.g., graffiti) | Photographic surveys | |
Changes in microhabitat (e.g., guano, freshwater systems) | Surveys of resource accumulation, point sampling, sedimentation and flow-rate assessments | |
Change in utilization of cave resources | Participatory techniques and other socio-economic survey techniques (e.g., guano extraction, availability, price, use, income supplement) | |
Change in population structure (number of individuals and stage structure) | Transects; interviews with local woodsmen, furniture manufacturers on availability, price, quality, and use |