Harold E. Anthony' (mammologist at American Museum of Natural History, NY) visited Windsor in 1920 and his field notes say, "The one drawback is the miscell. pests. The ticks are terrible and the mosquitoes only a little less bad.
Lice seem to be simply young ticks. In spring, they congregate in thousands on grass, awaiting a passer-by, which, in the photo below, was me. This collection was not staged and took less than 20yds walk prom the vehicle.
Lice/ticks do not seem to carry Lime Disease, but their bites
itch terribly and take an inordinately long time (two weeks+) to
heal. And even with repllent spray, some always seem to get
through! The local treatment is to rub kerosene on your body.
Alternatively "RID" is available at any pharmacy. Spring is the
worst period... and I wouldn't mind so much if they were endemic!
But they were imported with cattle by the Europeans.