Stock list for Windsor Pen written by John R Powell in 1862 This document is transcribed from a photocopy of the original which is located in Cambridgeshire Public Library, UK and was kindly supplied by Ms Gill Shapland


is 6 miles from Good Hope, but a good driving road. The river runs thro' it. It is (......) freehold said to go back to the line of St Elizabeth's abounding in timber. A cold Pen in winter, the guinea grass very good. Common Pastures clean and very well (.....) in three principal divisions and some smaller sub-divisions can be kept clean at about 1/6d to 2/-per acre annually about 450 acres Guinea Grass in good order, say 430 acres is generally well fenced - a wall along the road of about a mile should be thoroughly repaired and would cost about 7/- per chain.
Ponds - 3 large ones and several smaller - 2 of the large ones want cleaning - the land being level. This could be chiefly done with carts and wheelbarrows. The Guinea Grass is about 25 pastures
Overseers House and Outbuildings lately shingled and in good repair.
Saw Mill worked by water power is available for about seven months in the year. Cuts about 750 feet a day with 3 hands to crosscut, shift timber etc. and so would supply all the Estates at a very small expense. This mill and house is in very good repair; there is another frame with circular saws not in use which McCoy proposes to take to Pantrepant and attach to the wheel there for the fall af water is only sufficient to drive a small undershot wheel at Windsor.
This Pen has a rent roll of about £80 a year which could be much increased but would be a very bad policy. The wages including Sawyers etc from 1 Aug 1861 to Mar 1862 are £127.

Cattle are in general good order rather small in size but of a very useful description. They are as under:
Bull - 7, Young bulls - 4, Cows - 86, Calves (1862) - 5, 1861 -41
Stock 1860 - 59, 1859 -53, 1858 -38, 1857 -11,
Horse Stock
Stallions 1 a good one for roadsters
Jacks 3 2 good ones for road-ters
Colts 5 so-so but small
Fillies 3 small
Mares 21 mostly small and old and only fit for breeding
Mules 23 a nice lot from 1 to 3 years old
Note. I am quite of the opinion that this property should be held almost entirely as a breeding pen: that the cows from Merrywood should be sent us and all the young stock moved to Merrywood at about 2 years old. McCoy coincides with me in part of this but thinks the Merrywood cows would not bear the change. I should have no fear of it but give them guinea grass when they got here.


John R Powell



Stock List 1856 and Acreages 1885
41 Mares and colts, 3 mules, 10 steers 27 spayed heifers, 115 cows, 6 bulls, 238 young stock
126 acres 1 rood 22 perch Cane
883 acres Pasture
552 acres Waste
100 acres Mountain We value your feedback and comments: