drawings of the following endemic birds of jamaica: Jabbering Crow, Jamaican Lizard Cuckoo, Chestnut-bellied Cuckoo, Jamaican Tody, Crested Quail-dove, Red- and Black-billed streamertails,, Jamaican Petrel, Jamaican Woodpecker, Jamaican Poorwill, Jamaican Owl, Jamaican Becard, Jamaican Mango, Rufous-tailed Flycatcher, Jamaican Stripe-headed Tanager, Sad Flycatcher, Jamaican Pewee, Jamaican ELaenia, Jamaican Blackbird, Yellow-shouldered Grassquit, Orangequit, White-chinned Thrush, White-eyed Thrush, Arrow-headed Warbler, Blue Mountain Vireo, Jamaican Vireo, Ring-tailed Pigeon, Jamaican Euphonia

Interactive Illustrations from Raffaele H. et al 1998

"A Guide to the BIRDS of the WEST INDIES"

(used with permission of author)

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