You can see below the Goals, Strategies and Activities planned for the first year of the Parks-in-Peril programme.
The implementation period is idicated on the right: Q1, Q2; Q3; Q4; Q5; corresponding to the quarterly reporting periods from October 2001 to December 2002.

A: Threat Reduction

A.1: Stop habitat loss and degradation of Cockpit Country natural forest.
Develop an effective conservation strategy to abate the threat to Cockpit Country natural forest of yam stick harvesting.
Initiate a study of the impact yam stick harvesting on Cockpit Country natural forest community structure and regeneration dynamics.
Initiate a socio-economic study of the stakeholders involved in the harvesting of yam sticks in Cockpit Country natural forest
Based on completed socio-economic and ecological studies, prepare a written conservation strategy and workplan to abate the threat of yam stick harvesting in Cockpit Country.
Stop the encroachment of agriculture practices on natural forest cover in the Cockpit Country
Strategy A.2.a: Develop an effective conservation strategy to abate the threat to Cockpit Country natural forest of agricultural encroachment.
Activity A.2.a.1:
Initiate a focused study to identify the stakeholders involved in clearing natural forest in the Cockpit Country and their socio-economic situations.
Activity A.2.a.2:
Initiate a study of the extent and location of natural forest clearing in the Cockpit Country based on ground truthed remote-sensed imagery.
Activity A.2.a.3:
Based on a completed SCP, socio-economic, and remote-sensed imagery studies, prepare a written conservation strategy and workplan to abate the threat of natural forest clearing in the Cockpit Country.
Strategy A.3.a:
Develop a strategy towards private land holdings.
Activity A.3.a.1:
Initiate a focused study to identify owners of private land holdings within the Cockpit Country area forest reserves and an adjoining buffer zone.
Activity A.3.a.2:
Initiate a study to map the private land tenure claims within the Cockpit Country area forest reserves and an adjoining buffer zone.
Activity A.3.a.3:
Initiate a socio-economic survey of private landowners within the Cockpit Country area forest reserves and an adjoining buffer zone.
Activity A.3.a.4:
Based on studies of private landowners within the Cockpit Country area forest reserves and an adjoining buffer zone prepare a written private lands conservation strategy and workplan appropriate for the Cockpit Country.
Strategy A.4.a:
Carry out SCP conservation strategies.
Activity A.4.a.1:
Initiate conservation actions to carry out the highest ranked SCP conservation strategies

B: Site Consolidation

Goal B.1: Site Leadership and Support: Maintain strategic guidance for the Cockpit Country PiP project.
Strategy B.1.a:
Create a PiP project management committee to make strategic decisions for the Cockpit Country PiP project.
Activity B.1.a.1:
Prepare and sign formal agreements with the appropriate individuals and organizations that will be represented on a Cockpit Country PiP project management committee.
Activity B.1.a.2:
Train project management committee in strategic conservation planning.
Activity B.1.a.3:
PiP Management Committee meets at least once every two months.
Strategy B.1.b: Develop and support a Project Support Team for the Cockpit Country
Activity B.1.b.1:
Prepare and sign formal agreements with the appropriate individuals and organizations that will be represented on a Cockpit Country Project Support Team.
Activity B.1.b.2:
PiP Project Support Team meets at least once every six months.
Activity B.1.b.3:
Project Support Team members receive a one-day intensive training in SCP and SCP stakeholder analysis.
Goal B.2 Strategic Conservation Approach: Ensure the capacity for strategic conservation planning in the Cockpit Country
Strategy B.2.a:
Carry out SCP for the Cockpit Country landscape site
Activity B.2.a.1:
Compile and analyze existing biological information and maps for the Cockpit Country
Activity B.2.a.2:
Contract specialists in Cockpit Country biodiversity to prepare summary documents and participate in the Cockpit Country SCP as expert authorities.
Activity B.2.a.3:
Hold a one-week SCP workshop at a location in the Cockpit Country, focused on the site's biological systems.
Activity B.2.a.4:
SCP coordinator prepares a written technical summary of the results of the biological systems workshop that proposes conservation targets, viability assessments, stresses, sources of stresses and measures of success.
Strategy B.2.b:
Carry out SCP stakeholder analysis for the Cockpit Country landscape site.
Activity B.2.b.1:
SCP stakeholder coordinator and TNC community conservation specialist compile and analyze existing socio-economic and stakeholder information for the Cockpit Country.
Activity B.2.b.2:
SCP stakeholder coordinator develops contracts with specialists in Cockpit Country socio-economic context to prepare summary documents and participate in the Cockpit Country SCP as expert authorities.
Activity B.2.b.3:
Hold a one-week SCP workshop at a location in the Cockpit Country, focused on the site's human context and stakeholder analysis.
Activity B.2.b.4:
SCP stakeholder coordinator and TNC community conservation specialist prepare a written technical summary of the results of SCP stakeholder analysis.
Activity B.2.b.5:
Hold a one-week SCP workshop at a location in the Cockpit Country, focused on reviewing the results of SCP biological systems analysis, SCP stakeholder analysis and proposed conservation strategies with wider community participation.
Activity B.2.b.6:
SCP coordinator prepares written workplans and budgets to guide the implementation of conservation strategies that result from SCP.
Strategy B.2.c:
Develop a monitoring program that builds a baseline of reference studies needed for SCP viability assessment of Cockpit Country's biological systems and measure the success of conservation strategies.
Activity B.2.c.1:
Trained local fieldworkers, under guidance of WRC and Forestry, carry out field monitoring required by SCP measures of success.
Activity B.2.c.2:
WRC prepares annual report summarizing measures of success and an accompanying commentary for modifying Cockpit Country conservation strategies.
Activity B.2.c.3:
TNC contracts with an appropriately knowledgeable botanist to develop an interactive key based on Adam's Flowering Plants of Jamaica.
Activity B.2.c.4:
Train local fieldworkers to carry out fieldwork for baseline studies.
Activity B.2.c.5:
Initiate baseline studies of freshwater biodiversity.
Activity B.2.c.6:
Initiate baseline studies of cave biodiversity.
Activity B.2.c.7:
Initiate baseline studies of the flora of the Cockpit Country.
Activity B.2.c.8:
Establish contacts with the academic community to encourage inventory or baseline research in the Cockpit Country
Activity B.2.c.9:
WRC prepares an annual report summarizing baseline monitoring data, and an accompanying commentary for modifying Cockpit Country SCP viability assessment and conservation strategies.
Activity B.2.c.10:
Project Support Team meets to review WRC's report on baseline studies, viability assessment, and measures of success and accompanying commentary. Project Support Team issues recommendations for modifying viability assessments and conservation strategies.
Strategy B.2.d:
Develop a cooperative GIS program to support Cockpit Country conservation.
Activity B.2.d.1:
Install a GIS workstation for STEA/WRC
Activity B.2.d.2:
Provide training in GIS for STEA/WRC GIS technician.
Activity B.2.d.3:
Develop a Cockpit Country GIS atlas.
Goal B.3ÑFunctioning Conservation Area and Resource Use ZoneÑno activities planned for FY02.
Goal B.4 Site Financing.
Strategy B.4.a:
Develop long-term financial mechanisms for Cockpit Country conservation.make strategic decisions for the Cockpit Country PiP project.
Activity B.4.a.1:
Conduct a feasibility assessment into the creation of a Cockpit Country conservation trust fund or other appropriate long-term financing mechanism.
Goal B.5 Site Constituency: Develop support for PiP conservation activities and goals among all Cockpit Country stakeholders.
Strategy B.5.a:
Increase the number of Cockpit Country conservation workers able mediate community conflicts over conservation issues.
Activity B.5.a.1:
Train staff of STEA and other Cockpit Country conservation stakeholder organizations in conflict resolution and negotiation skills.
Strategy B.5.b:
Increase the number of stakeholders with science skills to understand and support the conservation of the Cockpit Country
Activity B.5.b.1:
Conduct training in field conservation science for Cockpit Country stakeholders.
Strategy B.5.c:
Develop a collaborative network of institutions with an interest in Cockpit Country conservation. .
Activity B.5.c.1:
Negotiate collaborative agreements with institutional stakeholders and CBO's outlining terms and conditions of joint engagement in Cockpit country conservation.
Strategy B.5.d:
Develop an environmental education program for key local Cockpit Country stakeholders.
Activity B.5.d.1:
Carry out a series of community meetings to introduce to local stakeholders the ideas of biodiversity conservation.
Strategy B.5.e: Develop an environmental education program specifically for Cockpit Country schools.
Activity B.5.e.1:
Develop a curriculum of environmental education suitable for local schools focused on the Cockpit Country.
Activity B.5.e.2:
Environmental education contractor develops a program to train local schoolteachers in using the Cockpit Country environmental education materials.
Activity B.5.e.3:
Negotiate collaborative agreements with local schools to ensure their interest and participation in a Cockpit Country environmental education program.
Strategy B.5.f:
Develop a program for community individuals to serve in the capacity of environmental wardens and monitors.
Activity B.5.f.1:
Implement a training program for community individuals to serve in the capacity of environmental wardens and monitors.

C: Institutional Strengthening: Create a stable financial structure for STEA.

Strategy C.1: Develop a financial plan for STEA that will include a review of existing income-generating activities, feasibility studies of potential income-generating activities, and mechanisms to guarantee revenue for Cockpit Country conservation.
Activity C.1.a:
Financial consultant conducts a feasibility study on the viability of a butterfly sanctuary and ranching business.
Activity C.1.b:
Financial consultant conducts a business review of Cockpit Country Adventure Tours and a feasibility study of expanding its operations.
Activity C.1.c:
Financial consultant conducts a feasibility study on the viability of an Environmental Resource Centre, which will also serve as the center for STEA and Cockpit Country conservation operations.
Strategy C.2: Develop a financial management system for STEA to ensure effective implementation of Cockpit Country conservation activities.
Activity C.2.a:
Install at STEA appropriate accounting software to maximize accounting efficiency.
Activity C.2.b:
Conduct training for key STEA staff in financial management and institutional management.
Activity C.2.c:
Train key STEA staff in record keeping and accounting systems appropriate for expanded STEA operations.
Activity C.2.d:
Carry out annual financial audits.
Strategy C.3: Develop the capacity of STEA staff to prepare grant proposals.
Activity C.3.a:
Conduct training for STEA staff in the development, organization and presentation of conservation projects as funding proposals.
Strategy C.4: Implement the STEA institutional development plan.
Activity C.4.a:
Initiate high priority actions recommended by the STEA institutional development plan.

D: Leverage

Goal D.1: Extend Site Conservation Planning experience at Cockpit Country to other Jamaican and non-Jamaican conservation areas.
Strategy D.1.a:
Non-Cockpit Country site conservation practitioners participate in Cockpit Country SCP workshops.
Activity D.1.a.1:
Participants from Black River Morass, Dolphin Head, and Portland Bight Protected Area participate in CC SCP.